Sunday, December 14, 2008

Candid Family Moments Make Great Internet Marketing Videos

I was in my office recording a group of Internet marketing videos when my oldest daughter, only 2, asked to "cheese" (or have her picture taken and/or be on video).

I picked her up, hit the record button, and proceeded to record a short video of me holding her talking about how videos are a powerful way of Internet marketing.

I knew that my video would be on the Internet for a long time and people would realize the value in what I was saying: Instead of grinding on the phone, using the video for my Internet marketing will allow people to see my message over and over again without me calling a list of people.

That is the attraction of video marketing. You do it once, have it go to your website, and get exposure to your site multiple times on something that might have taken you thirty minutes to do. Best of all, minus the camcorder, you can produce Internet marketing videos using free tools found on most computers or the Internet.

This video turned out to be a very, very good video. I expect it to pull views for a long time.

This is not the only time I have used my family to create interesting videos for my business, though. I found some older video I shot of both my daughters playing and turned it into a marketing piece. With a simple voice over I had a powerful video online drawing attention to my website and my business.

Another video used also involved my oldest daughter. She was sitting in the office chair and I started recording. We talked about a home business and that her mommy had the ability to stay home with her full-time because of a home business. How many moms will be able to relate to that?

Videos do not always have to be scripted. Sometimes the spur of the moment captures are more powerful than anything we could write up.

Next time you are around your family, especially children, be sure to have your camera ready. You never know when a great Internet marketing video is going to occur, even if it takes a little bit of editing.

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Video Blogs - They're New, They're Hot and They Make Money

Are you a video freak? Do you love making videos on your spare time? Now you can make money doing it! Enter the video blog.

A blog is simply an online journal where the author expresses his or her opinion, or lectures (in a conversational way) about a specific topic that he has experience in. Most blogs allow readers to comment. And one of the best and fastest growing blogs nowadays is the video blog.

With the advent of You Tube and many other upcoming video sites, people are spending more and more time watching videos online. There is much more that one can express in the video than on paper, and it can be done more quickly and effectively as well.

You can easily create a video blog, but you must realize that it is entirely different from a typical blog. A typical blog simply consists of words and perhaps a picture, but nothing more. With a video blog, you will need either a web cam or some sort of video recording device and a computer with video editing software. If you are not willing to spend some money to get a quality video recording device, then you should not start a video blog. You can always try to do a typical text blog at first to see how it works, but you will never achieve the same success that a video blog can provide.

Simply do a video recording on your topic. With excellent lighting and sound quality, edit your video using computer software until it looks professional. Prepare a website and give a brief description about your video, and simply upload it to your video blog. You must remember, however, that the video should not be too long, as you may experience either bandwidth issues, or folks not even wishing to view the video because of its length.

If you are excited to get started with your new video blog, visit Profit Lance for some extremely valuable information.

Peter Matriciano is an Internet Marketing Expert who revealed the secrets on the simplest way to get started with affiliate marketing.

Article Source:

Monday, December 1, 2008

Online Marketing Tips - How I Drive Traffic to My Website

Do you want some online marketing tips that you can use to build your traffic? Well, let me tell you the three methods I use to get more and more people to my website each day.

Online Marketing Method #1: Article Marketing

Article marketing is so effective that I wonder why people don't use it more often. I guess because it takes time and is not as sexy as they would like. In a way that is OK with me because it is less competition. But I am telling you, article marketing is the best free form of advertising you can use. It attracts focused traffic, builds your backlinks, and establishes you as an expert in your field.

Online Marketing Method #2: Forum Marketing

Forum marketing is "easier" than article marketing and almost as effective. I like advertising in forums because I can answer people's questions quicker than I can write a 300-word article. Also, forums are a good way to interact with people and build trusting relationships with them. If I had to choose, I would still use article marketing, but forum marketing is not far behind.

Online Marketing Method #3: Video Marketing

Have you seen some of the crazy videos on YouTube lately? If you are creative and entertaining, then video marketing is the way for you to go. With the right video, you can attract thousands of visitors each month. The biggest drawback I see is that many of the visitors are just browsing, so they are not going to go to your website. But if you make your video appealing enough to attract plenty of visitors, then you will probably get more traffic than you ever thought you could!

Do you want to learn how to make money online from home like I do? Download my brand new ebook that teaches you step-by-step directions on how to start your online business so you can make money quicker than you thought possible:

Christopher learned the hard way how to start a successful online business. Now he wants to teach you what he learned through experience so you don't make the same mistakes. Let him show you what you must know to start your own online business.


Christopher M. Hall - EzineArticles Expert Author