Friday, November 28, 2008

YouTube Traffic Secrets

Video is the latest trend to get traffic to your site. There are so many video engines where you can submit your targeted video and start getting lots and lots of serious traffic. I would suggest using YouTube as it is the largest video engine out there.

There are 3 different types of videos:

• Screen capture videos using Camtasia
• Poor mans video using a webcam
• The professional video using high end equipment

If you're just starting out I would recommend using Camtasia to capture your screen and do a presentation with a voice over for your targeted niche.

If you're confident in making a webcam video go for it, you can easily edit it in Windows Movie Maker. If you have the budget to make a professional video, I would highly recommend it as the more professional the video looks the more likely it will drive you traffic to your site.

One special trick of trade when making a video is to add a water mark to it. Add the water mark to the beginning of the video, during the video and at the end of the video.

Another trick is to add a call of action to the video such as an arrow pointing to the description telling the user to click on the link, add this to at the beginning of the video as well as at the end of the video.

If you can't be bothered to make your own videos you can always hire a professional to do it for you by going to or elance. These websites are excellent and I have used them in the past to get a lot of videos made for my niche which in turn have driven me lots and lots of targeted traffic.

To submit your video to many video engines all in one go I would recommend using the free service provided by Tube Mogul. Tube Mogul is a service which uploads your site to multiple video engines all in one go.

-Bilal Darr

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