Sunday, December 14, 2008

Candid Family Moments Make Great Internet Marketing Videos

I was in my office recording a group of Internet marketing videos when my oldest daughter, only 2, asked to "cheese" (or have her picture taken and/or be on video).

I picked her up, hit the record button, and proceeded to record a short video of me holding her talking about how videos are a powerful way of Internet marketing.

I knew that my video would be on the Internet for a long time and people would realize the value in what I was saying: Instead of grinding on the phone, using the video for my Internet marketing will allow people to see my message over and over again without me calling a list of people.

That is the attraction of video marketing. You do it once, have it go to your website, and get exposure to your site multiple times on something that might have taken you thirty minutes to do. Best of all, minus the camcorder, you can produce Internet marketing videos using free tools found on most computers or the Internet.

This video turned out to be a very, very good video. I expect it to pull views for a long time.

This is not the only time I have used my family to create interesting videos for my business, though. I found some older video I shot of both my daughters playing and turned it into a marketing piece. With a simple voice over I had a powerful video online drawing attention to my website and my business.

Another video used also involved my oldest daughter. She was sitting in the office chair and I started recording. We talked about a home business and that her mommy had the ability to stay home with her full-time because of a home business. How many moms will be able to relate to that?

Videos do not always have to be scripted. Sometimes the spur of the moment captures are more powerful than anything we could write up.

Next time you are around your family, especially children, be sure to have your camera ready. You never know when a great Internet marketing video is going to occur, even if it takes a little bit of editing.

Sick of buying leads for sales or business prospects? You can learn how to generate free MLM leads using proven Internet marketing methods.

-Brent Worley

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Video Blogs - They're New, They're Hot and They Make Money

Are you a video freak? Do you love making videos on your spare time? Now you can make money doing it! Enter the video blog.

A blog is simply an online journal where the author expresses his or her opinion, or lectures (in a conversational way) about a specific topic that he has experience in. Most blogs allow readers to comment. And one of the best and fastest growing blogs nowadays is the video blog.

With the advent of You Tube and many other upcoming video sites, people are spending more and more time watching videos online. There is much more that one can express in the video than on paper, and it can be done more quickly and effectively as well.

You can easily create a video blog, but you must realize that it is entirely different from a typical blog. A typical blog simply consists of words and perhaps a picture, but nothing more. With a video blog, you will need either a web cam or some sort of video recording device and a computer with video editing software. If you are not willing to spend some money to get a quality video recording device, then you should not start a video blog. You can always try to do a typical text blog at first to see how it works, but you will never achieve the same success that a video blog can provide.

Simply do a video recording on your topic. With excellent lighting and sound quality, edit your video using computer software until it looks professional. Prepare a website and give a brief description about your video, and simply upload it to your video blog. You must remember, however, that the video should not be too long, as you may experience either bandwidth issues, or folks not even wishing to view the video because of its length.

If you are excited to get started with your new video blog, visit Profit Lance for some extremely valuable information.

Peter Matriciano is an Internet Marketing Expert who revealed the secrets on the simplest way to get started with affiliate marketing.

Article Source:

Monday, December 1, 2008

Online Marketing Tips - How I Drive Traffic to My Website

Do you want some online marketing tips that you can use to build your traffic? Well, let me tell you the three methods I use to get more and more people to my website each day.

Online Marketing Method #1: Article Marketing

Article marketing is so effective that I wonder why people don't use it more often. I guess because it takes time and is not as sexy as they would like. In a way that is OK with me because it is less competition. But I am telling you, article marketing is the best free form of advertising you can use. It attracts focused traffic, builds your backlinks, and establishes you as an expert in your field.

Online Marketing Method #2: Forum Marketing

Forum marketing is "easier" than article marketing and almost as effective. I like advertising in forums because I can answer people's questions quicker than I can write a 300-word article. Also, forums are a good way to interact with people and build trusting relationships with them. If I had to choose, I would still use article marketing, but forum marketing is not far behind.

Online Marketing Method #3: Video Marketing

Have you seen some of the crazy videos on YouTube lately? If you are creative and entertaining, then video marketing is the way for you to go. With the right video, you can attract thousands of visitors each month. The biggest drawback I see is that many of the visitors are just browsing, so they are not going to go to your website. But if you make your video appealing enough to attract plenty of visitors, then you will probably get more traffic than you ever thought you could!

Do you want to learn how to make money online from home like I do? Download my brand new ebook that teaches you step-by-step directions on how to start your online business so you can make money quicker than you thought possible:

Christopher learned the hard way how to start a successful online business. Now he wants to teach you what he learned through experience so you don't make the same mistakes. Let him show you what you must know to start your own online business.


Christopher M. Hall - EzineArticles Expert Author

Friday, November 28, 2008

YouTube Traffic Secrets

Video is the latest trend to get traffic to your site. There are so many video engines where you can submit your targeted video and start getting lots and lots of serious traffic. I would suggest using YouTube as it is the largest video engine out there.

There are 3 different types of videos:

• Screen capture videos using Camtasia
• Poor mans video using a webcam
• The professional video using high end equipment

If you're just starting out I would recommend using Camtasia to capture your screen and do a presentation with a voice over for your targeted niche.

If you're confident in making a webcam video go for it, you can easily edit it in Windows Movie Maker. If you have the budget to make a professional video, I would highly recommend it as the more professional the video looks the more likely it will drive you traffic to your site.

One special trick of trade when making a video is to add a water mark to it. Add the water mark to the beginning of the video, during the video and at the end of the video.

Another trick is to add a call of action to the video such as an arrow pointing to the description telling the user to click on the link, add this to at the beginning of the video as well as at the end of the video.

If you can't be bothered to make your own videos you can always hire a professional to do it for you by going to or elance. These websites are excellent and I have used them in the past to get a lot of videos made for my niche which in turn have driven me lots and lots of targeted traffic.

To submit your video to many video engines all in one go I would recommend using the free service provided by Tube Mogul. Tube Mogul is a service which uploads your site to multiple video engines all in one go.

-Bilal Darr

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Start Making Your Own Videos.

You can start making your own videos. There are many benefits of making your own videos. I will show you how and why to make your own videos. Imagine you are in a location which is very beautiful and scenic. If you have a good camera, you will surely shoot a video of the locale. You can even do it with your mobile phone if it has a camera in it. But a proper video camera is better as it can better meet your storage requirements. Initially you can purchase a cheap video camera but when you develop a taste for video making, you can of course buy a new one. You can put up for old one for sale at any auction sites like eBay.

You can make videos of just any type. If you are watching some live show anywhere, you can make a video there using your camera. This video may be for your own use or you can put it up online at any of the online video sharing websites. Video sharing websites are popular social places where you can find good friends who will comment on your videos if they are good enough. People will rate your videos if they like them. So you can increase your popularity a lot by making videos. You can really find good friends online. This can be a good pass time for you and a nice experience too.
So the videos can pay off by various ways. Even you can make some money if a good video producer notices your skills. But making money may not be the inspiration behind video making.

Mani Raw

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Simple, No Frills Secrets To Making Money Online With Videos

Videos are currently the dominant thing on the Internet. Almost everyone who is surfing the Internet these days watches videos on YouTube. They are also awesome viral marketing weapons. A good video can really reach thousands in viewership figures within days. You should create a good video, then broadcast it for free at YouTube and social networking sites. Another notable video site is Metacafe.

Don't forget to include your URL somewhere in your video. You could have it appear at the bottom of your video, or plug it in at the end of your video. Video marketing is an amazing way to build your list of subscribers fast just by including your link in a popular video.

Your videos also shouldn't be too long as viewers will get bored after a while. Keeping your video short and sweet is the way to go. Videos on your own site are also a great business tool. You can include videos to your sales letter as they are proven to increase sales rates dramatically. People find it easier to absorb what they learned through a video than through words. This will increase your response rate easily.

Before you create your video, decide what is the goal of your video. It is to get more leads? To get more sales ? Will it be a tutorial video or a humorous video? Then create an outline of the content that is going to be in your video and start shooting it. The easiest way to create a video is to screen capture your computer screen and record that while adding your voice through a microphone.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Make Money Online Instantly Tips To Make Money Online Today

Can we make money online today? Yes we can if we know the ways to make money online today. When you know all the ways to make money online it likes you know how to create internet cash machine that makes your grants grow automatically.
There is a lot of ways to make money online today that you can use to build your internet money making business. You can use one of this ways to make money online today:

  • Make money online with affiliate program, if you take this affiliate way you can make money online with commission fee when you selling other people product or services.
  • Takes online survey to make money online, if you choose this way to make money online you will get paid when you fill the survey or join with focusing group to do something. But they don't always give you cash, sometimes they will pay you with voucher or item.
  • Making money with offering your own product or services, this way like the affiliate system but you keep all the profit for your self. You can sell with your own website, online market or auction like ebay.
  • If you have your own website or blog, you can make money online today with selling your spaces for advertisement like google adsense. You will get paid when your viewer click their ads on your website or blog.
  • The other ways to make money online today is takes the online job like: makes articles for the other people, data entries, etc.
Choose one from all the ways to make money online. Focus with one your choosing way, improve your skill, knowledge and mastering your chosen system. If you do that you will save your time and your cash to build your own internet money making business.

--Julian Gold

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Video Article Marketing - Discover How To Explode Your Website Traffic With Video Articles

Video article marketing is taking information that you have originally created for written articles, and repurposing that same information in a video presentation format. Then you submit your video to the social video sites, such as YouTube, for more traffic, just like you do for the text based article submission sites.

Your goal is to get as many references on the internet back to your business websites from as many high page rank sources as possible. If you cannot create video you cannot get your content on these sites. Creating video articles is a fast way to create the type of video content that can be submitted to these popular sites.

Fast and simple tips to create a video article

1. Take an existing article and read it first as audio only. You will need some kind of microphone and recording software.

2. Create bullet points of text to sync to your recorded narration.

3. If you have a PC you already have Windows Movie Maker where you can sync your bullet points of text to your narration. You then save this as an .avi video file and upload to a social video sharing site.

4. Another more advanced option is to create your bullets and images in Power Point, download CamStudio 2.0, a free screen capture video software. Then you simultaneously in real time read your article and sync your slides and your video is done in one take.

5. Another simple way to build relationships is to use a camcorder or a USB NetCam and read the article to the camera.

These are quick and simple ways you can get started on a shoe string budget with video articles.

And now I would to invite you to discover how to get more viewers, listeners and visitors to you websites by going to

Mike Stewart, The Internet Video Guy & Article Traffic Explosion

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Secrets Revealed - Create Your Own High Yield Online Marketing Videos Right Now

The short video clips have become so popular on the internet that internet marketers have taken to creating online videos and marketing videos in a big way. These videos are either prepared by professionals or even amateurs. Google video and YouTube carry millions of such videos and the numbers are only growing. While the amateurs are into creating online videos for fun and may be some attention, the professionals are more keen in marketing videos to generate traffic to their web site or online business. For fun or business, this new tool has caught on and is being exploited to the hilt.


The main advantage of creating online videos and marketing videos is the complete ease with which these videos can be produced and published. A free account with any of the video publishing website and you can upload your videos on your own schedule. The interactive nature and the visual effects add flavour to the exercise.

Points to ponder

Most people do not devote more than a few minutes on any web site and this is true of online videos too. Therefore, keep your videos short, a 3 minute length may be. An attention grabbing visual scheme will help your video clips and if you can enhance the originality by using the right color scheme, motion graphic, font selection etc. that should add flavour. Take care of the sound track too. A poor sound track is the worst thing in creating online videos or marketing videos. Using flash format will make it easier for upload. The virtual world is all there for you - go rocking.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

Also, quickly download his FREE "Explosive Traffic System" report that shows you how to generate 10,000+ visitors per month at no cost! =>

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

YouTube Marketing - Why Market Your Business on YouTube?

This one is pretty much a no-brainer folks; YouTube is one of, if not the, most popular user driven website on the internet today! If you are going to be making any type of marketing video presentation, you would be foolish not to take advantage of this world-wide phenomenon and let your YouTube marketing presentation work for you. These are a few good tips that can guide you well:

1. Consider the Reach that YouTube Has

If you have ever watched any of the videos that YouTube has then you know just how popular and far-reaching this website really is! What makes it an excellent idea to use YouTube marketing as a tool to get your point across is the ease of use that the site offers its users.

2. User-Friendliness

This is another reason that YouTube is as successful as it is: it is one of the most user-friendly sites on the internet today! If you are considering making any type of video marketing presentation, you would really be overlooking a great opportunity by not making use of YouTube marketing! Considering the fact that you do not have to be a rocket scientist to make and upload any video to YouTube; this is a no-brainer!

3. Guidance Every Step of the Way

When you want to submit your marketing video, or any video for that matter, as a YouTube marketing presentation there is expert, easy-to-understand instructions for uploading your videos and help is always there for you when necessary.

Now it's time to get more traffic out of this popular video sharing website.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your FREE copy now!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Definitive Resource List Of Video Sharing Sites

Video marketing is definitely hot at the moment. It is possible to generate lots of autopilot traffic virtually overnight if you have the right video. How Internet marketers generate a ton of traffic with videos is that they create a content-packed tutorial and then submit it to the top video sharing sites. If the video is great, it will go viral, as people recommend it to others. Within a couple of days, the video can get thousands of hits.

Here’s the definitive list of the top video sharing sites on the Internet today:

1. YouTube

How can we leave out YouTube? It’s the most visited video sharing site in the world today. An average video will get at least a few hundred visitors over time. Imagine what a great video could do! YouTube is only going to get bigger as Google strives to make improvements to it. It is currently one of the most visited websites in the world after the Google search engine.

2. MetaCafe

Another great free video sharing website. Currently ranked 134th in the world Alexa rankings at the time of writing. Submit your videos here as well so you get the most mileage out of your video.

3. DailyMotion

This website is currently ranked 49th in the Alexa rankings. Use this combined with MetaCafe and YouTube and you will receive the most traffic and leverage from your video.

So there’s the list of top video sharing sites! But this information is useless unless you act today. So go create that top video!

--Fabian Tan

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Affiliate Marketing Tips - How to Drive Massive Traffic From Videos

Do you know that one of the most effective forms of traffic generation strategies to your websites and offer pages is through the use of videos? There are lots of video sharing websites on the Internet you can upload your videos to for free.

Many people think that they need sophisticated equipment to produce a video. However, the fact is that, there's no need for you to have other equipment, other than a video camera, to produce your own video and upload them onto the various video sharing websites.

If you do not have a video camera, you can either make use of your computer's webcam, your camera's video recording function, or your cell phone's video camera function to record your own video.

Otherwise, if you do not wish to do the video recording yourself, you could always ask others to do it for you for a small fee.

Here are some tips that you can follow that will help you drive torrents of traffic to your websites and offer pages with the use of videos:

1. Distribute Your Videos Widely

In order for you to be able to drive massive amounts of traffic to your websites and offer pages from your videos, you need to upload your videos to as many of these video sharing websites as possible (they're all free to sign up and free to share as many videos as you like).

The more video sharing websites you upload your videos to, the more findable your videos will be, and the more traffic you'll be able to drive to your websites and offer pages.

2. Cross-Link Between Video Sharing Websites

This simply means that you link the various video sharing websites (which you have videos uploaded in) together, and piggy-back traffic from one video sharing website to another.

Let me explain this with an example - if you received lots of traffic to your YouTube videos, but you only have very few people watching your videos in MySpace, you could get the people who watch your YouTube videos to your MySpace videos through a simple link in your YouTube video - you could have a link to your MySpace video in your video description.

You may be wondering what's the reason for you doing this - driving traffic from one video sharing site to another, when both video sharing websites have the same video. The reason is because, you can get your viewers to videos when they are there to boost its popularly. The more votes your videos have, the higher it will be ranked on these video sites and the more visible these videos you be, and this will allow you to drive even more traffic to your websites and offer pages.

Here's another idea, you could also submit your videos to the various social bookmarking websites like Digg, Propeller,, etc.

3. Add Incentive

You can add incentives to your videos to get more traffic to your websites and offer pages - such as a free report, email course series or video tutorials as a "bait".

People love freebies, and by doing so, you'll be able to drive more traffic to your websites and offer pages. This is a highly effective and powerful tactic, yet very few people are using.

These 3 tips will help you drive massive traffic to your websites and offer pages with creating videos and uploading them to the various video sharing websites.

Click here to download your 50-page free report worth US$67, where you'll discover a proven, sure-fire 6-step formula you can use immediately to start up your own 5-figure revenue spinning, affiliate marketing business from scratch for only US$32.19 - Even if you are a complete beginner with zero business or computer knowledge!

Jun Yuan Lim - EzineArticles Expert Author

Monday, October 20, 2008

Download Youtube And Google Videos

Are you looking for a tool which can help you in downloading videos from various video sharing websites? Keep on reading this article if you want to know how to download videos from youtube, Google videos and other video sharing sites. A streaming video download can be completed in four easy steps.

  1. The first thing you need to do is to copy the URL of the video you like.
  2. After copying the URL you have to visit the website which is offering a streaming video downloading tool. Paste the URL in the box provided.
  3. Click the "get video" and the website will instantly provide you a download link.
  4. By using the link you can save this video and show it your friends when you are offline.

The video you have downloaded is always in FLV format. Common video players like windows media player can not play this video. If you want to play this video you have to change it into compatible format or you need a player which plays a video in FLV format. With the help of some softwares video files you have downloaded can be converted to any format like AVI, MP4, MP3 and 3GP.It means that you can play your favorite video on your mobile phone, ipod or PSP.

You don`t need to have some special skills to download videos from sites like youtube, Google videos and other popular websites even a beginner can do that. Video sharing web sites are getting popular day by day. With the help of the downloading tools available on the internet now people are not only uploading but also downloading the videos they like.

If you want to know more about ripping videos from video sharing sites then feel free to visit Ripzo

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Easy Money For Teens by Dominating YouTube Secret Tactics

YouTube is an online free video sharing website where you can share, watch and download any video clip. Right now YouTube is the most popular video sharing website all over the internet, it is own by Google right now. My article will help you to earn your first paycheck from dominating YouTube.

Okay, the very first thing to do is you sign up with ringtone or music related affiliate program, Amazon affiliate is Okay because they have very huge database about music.

Now you must search for video to upload to YouTube. Find the most new music video from famous music artist like Britney Spears or Jay Z, or somewhat like that. Now you must be careful with duplicate and copyrighted video. Do not upload copyrighted video, if YouTube catch you or the music video company catch you, prepare for their attorneys to contact you. If you can't find the right video, then make it yourself, use your creative mind to make one, you are still young isn't? Then you must have a brilliant and creative thinking inside your brain.

Now after you finish making your video, watermark it with your make money website on the video, so when the video are being played, the visitor can see your website address on the video, I think down to the right is the best watermark placement.

Let's say your video is about Jay Z, so your watermarking should be like this; "to get the latest info about Jay Z, visit (your affiliate website address). Now your job is half done.

Next you must make your video to get the best and top view on YouTube, you can use forum signature, blogs or any resources to get more views on your video, the more views your video make, the higher success rate you will achieve to convert your video views into sales. This is the easy way to make money for teens.

About The Author

Copyright (c) Jordan Jones. He is owner of - a website dedicated to make money online strategy. To get advanced in depth online video traffic strategy visit my website

Jordan Jones - EzineArticles Expert Author